Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chipmunk Caves

On the 25th my wonderfulhusband and I went on a little adventure to Chipmunk Caves. On our drive up we saw warning signs that bears were in the area...we realized the signs were actually correct when we saw a friendly bear on the side of the road! :)
It started out as a nice warm "hike" but part way to the caves we started to feel raindrops, and then there was thunder and lightning. Woohoo!
By the time we got back to the car (despite our ponchos, which I'm very thankful my wonderfulhusband remembered to bring) we were pretty soggy.

The pretty green foliage:
The raging river: My wonderfulhusband in a cave: A real nice picture of us in our ponchos (before gettin' wet), taken using my Christmas present (a remote for my camera). :) Yay!

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